The importance of prayer in marriage
Do you pray for your spouse every day?
One of the greatest ways we can serve and love our husbands is by praying for them.
Not just sometimes, but all the time.
Likewise, one of the greatest ways our husbands can love and serve their wives is by doing the same.
Fulfillment in all the wrong places
We live in a world that looks for fulfillment in all the wrong places. As Christians, we know the only way we can be fulfilled is when we look to the Lord as the One who sustains and provides our every need.
But this does not exclude us from the temptation to fill our hearts and fix our eyes on the things that call out to our flesh. The temptation will always be present until Christ’s return.
Two are better than one
Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us, “Two are better than one” (ESV). But, if we’re honest with ourselves, it doesn’t always feel this way. Marriage takes work—a lot of work. Not just as newlyweds when you’re still in the honeymoon phase, but every step of the way.
Can I be completely transparent with you for a moment? If marriage has taught me anything, it’s just how selfish I am.
As much as it stings to say, it’s true. The pastor that married my husband and me over six years ago now told us in one of our pre-marital counseling sessions to prepare for this truth to be revealed in some really uncomfortable ways.
He was right.
This truth has served as a very humbling reality within the heart of my marriage many times.
Why do we pray for one another?
When we take the time to pray for and with our spouse, things start to change.
We find that our marriage is strengthened, our desire to love each other in ways that reflect Christ’s love grows and our hearts soften toward one another.
When Christ isn’t at the center of our marriage, it’s obvious. The fruit simply isn’t there. We argue more with our spouse, we find ourselves more frustrated, and we don’t enjoy each other’s company as much.
When we humble ourselves before God and embrace the powerful, essential, and beautiful gift of prayer, blessings flow! A marriage rooted in Christ and covered in prayer can’t help but improve. What a precious truth this is. Let us savor and enjoy it!
Marriage takes work—a lot of work. Not just as newlyweds when you’re still in the honeymoon phase, but every step of the way.
Ways to pray for your spouse
As a wife, something I will never regret is taking the time to pray for my husband. Now, am I the best at it? No. But I’m trying.
I want to love my husband to the best of my ability, and I recognize prayer is a huge part of helping me do just that. Why? Because I know what happens when I partake in its gift. It completely changes my attitude toward my husband and enables me to love him better.
When we take time to pray for and with our husbands, change happens. Not just in our marriages, but in our individual walks with God, too.
Prayer is one of the most effective and meaningful things that you can do for the heart of your marriage. And wives, my prayer for you is that you would do so each day.
I want to encourage and challenge you to pray for your husband every day starting right now. If you’re not sure where to start, I would love to help you out.
Here are powerful ways to pray for your husband:
Spiritual growth
Pray for his spiritual growth.
The number one spot in our hearts must belong to the One who first breathed life into our beings and brought us together. Pray that your husband would be captivated by the Father. Pray that he would “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10).
Pray for your husband’s protection from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual temptations.
Spiritual warfare is real and around us all the time. The enemy would love nothing more than to drag him down, but as he looks to God to sustain, strengthen, and supply, He will keep him from stumbling. (Jude 1:24)
Pray for his leadership.
Leadership is quite an undertaking—and a biblical one at that. Our husbands need God’s supernatural insight to know how to lead and love well. Pray that the Word would be your husband’s helpful guide as he seeks to lead with gentleness, dignity, courage, and confidence. Pray that his leadership would be marked by love and his desire to please God in all he does. (Ephesians 5:25)
Pray for his wisdom.
True wisdom is only found in the Father’s heart. Pray that this is the wisdom your husband would seek. (James 1:5)
Spiritual encouragement
Pray for his ability to encourage you and your family spiritually.
I’m going to be honest with you: it doesn’t feel too good when my husband sheds light on the ways I’m falling short in my walk with the Lord, but I’m so very glad he does. He holds me accountable and helps me see when my actions and/or words don’t line up with my beliefs. He speaks truth over me because he loves me. Because we’re on the same team. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
As we make it a point to pray for our husbands, may our marriages flourish in Christ as a result.

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