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Self-employed member suffers high blood pressure, obtains 90% discount on hospital bill

By Mike Tisdell of Lawrenceville, Texas

Member Story: Mike Tisdell Lawrenceville, Texas

  • Total eligible bills: $47,591
  • Provider discounts: $39,890
  • Total bills shared: $7,701

As a self-employed business owner, I needed something for my family that would take care of our medical bills while also staying budget-friendly. When I found out about CHM and the Bronze program, I knew it would be a perfect fit.

I started experiencing symptoms at the end of summer. At first, I suspected an ear infection. But after two weeks of feeling very tired and dizzy after eating, I thought maybe I had COVID-19…or was I having a stroke? I didn’t know what was happening.

I finally went to urgent care. A nurse took my blood pressure and, suddenly, looked at me strangely. I asked her if everything was ok, and she proceeded to tell me that I needed to go to the emergency room ASAP because my blood pressure was extremely high—almost at stroke level.

I was shocked. I’d never been admitted to an emergency room before or stayed overnight in a hospital. My wife, Yolondria, took me to the hospital. Doctors ran all types to tests on me and I stayed in there for two days. They discovered that my blood pressure was extremely high and I had pre-diabetes.

I was told that most people do not experience symptoms until they are in full-blown diabetes. Praise God I found out before then!

The pre-diabetes diagnosis spurred a couple of changes in my life. I started blood pressure medication, altered my diet, and lost over 20 pounds. Praise God, I’m doing well now, but I have to eat more salads now and less steaks! It’s challenging because I’m from Texas.

CHM exceeded all my expectations. Any time I had questions, the staff was there with answers. Since I’m self-employed, I don’t get sick time. If I’m not working, I’m not getting paid. CHM supported us by reimbursing all of my eligible medical bills.

I thank God for His provision through CHM!

Editor’s note: Bronze shares for hospitalizations and surgeries above the $5,000 Personal Responsibility. Urgent care is ineligible for sharing under the Bronze program. For more information, please see the CHM Guidelines.