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Healthy nutrition habits: Live and work well

By Annaliese Raynak
Living Well
healthy eating and Christian Healthcare Ministries

Healthy eating. When you hear the phrase, what comes to mind?

Perhaps you think of images of less-than-favorable vegetables, small portion sizes, or the food pyramid you learned about in school. Or maybe you think about healthy snacks you enjoy, a favorite fitness class, or health articles about the latest nutritional trend.

The choices we make surrounding healthy eating matter to God. Fueling our bodies properly impacts how well we function and directly shapes our ability to serve in our communities, churches, families, and more. Crafting a healthy meal plan and building strong nutritional habits equips us with the tools we need to thrive.

Healthy eating: Making a meal plan

Quality of life is determined by many factors, including physical health, nutrition, and spiritual wellness. That’s why learning how to stay healthy by making good food choices is crucial.

Eating healthy on a budget is possible. Here’s a few tips as you look for healthy food choices and craft a strategy to stay on track:

  • Start small: Identify a few areas where you can swap your current “go-to” choice for new healthy eating habits. It can be as simple as incorporating more whole grains, trying out a new fruit salad recipe, or downloading a hydration tracker to drink more water.
  • Look local: Try out in-season fruits or vegetables that grow in your area. A farmer’s market is a great way to shape a healthy meal plan while supporting your neighbors.
  • Plan ahead: When we’re rushed for time, the quickest option may not be the healthiest option. Create a schedule and grocery shop at the beginning of the week so you’ll have what you need on hand.
  • Find the fun: Explore the cuisine of a different culture, go through the alphabet and pick a food to try that starts with a particular letter, or shop with a friend. Healthy eating doesn’t equal boring eating!

Live well

Healthy foods alone aren’t enough to sustain, or obtain, a healthy life. While striking the right nutritional balance is crucial, it’s just as important to prioritize overall wellbeing.

Putting fitness first isn’t just a choice, it’s a lifestyle habit that leads to living well. Part of physical fitness includes taking care of our bodies.

Going for a prayer walk around the neighborhood, taking a new strength training class, or exploring a national park are all great ways to stay active and support healthy eating habits. Additionally, getting enough rest, finding a strong work-life balance, and prioritizing time with God each day will equip us with the building blocks we need to thrive.

The only way to craft real, lasting nutritional change is by supporting it with a healthy lifestyle.

healthy eating blog

Bible verses about health

God cares about everything that impacts our lifestyle—including our eating habits and choices:

  • “You shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water…” [Exodus 23:25, ESV]
  • “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” [1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NIV]
  • “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” [1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV]
  • “When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you.” [Deuteronomy 8:10, NIV]
  • “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.” [Jeremiah 30:17, NIV]

God wants to see us pursue the dreams and goals He’s placed in our hearts. He’s given us good blessings to enjoy. While we’ll make mistakes along the way, He’s gracious to point us down the right path as we walk the journey of healthy living. As we make healthy choices for our bodies and families, we give glory to His name.

Grow the Fruit of the Spirit by signing up for our FruitFULL e-book!

Created just for you, this book is full of resources to help you and your family cultivate closeness with God.

Just like you make sure to eat a balanced diet, make sure you learn to grow the “good fruit” of the Holy Spirit. 

Annaliese Raynak
Annaliese is a storyteller whose passion and purpose is to help others connect their stories to the grand narrative God planned for all creation. Weaving a tapestry of words, she aims to highlight the ultimate source of Truth and help individuals discover their God-given value.