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Women entrepreneurs: rising to the top

By Christian Healthcare Ministries
Women Entrepreneurs- Rising to the Top

If you run a woman-owned business or you’re an aspiring female entrepreneur, you’re part of a growing trend. For years, woman-owned businesses were relatively rare compared to those with men at the helm. Today, all that’s changed. Female entrepreneurs are commonplace, managing successful businesses of all sizes and types.

Women in business may run small-business start-ups, serve as CEOs in Fortune 500 corporations, or find a work-life balance by working from home as mompreneurs.

In the U.S. alone, the number of women entrepreneurs increased by 114% over just two decades. Female entrepreneurs employ over 9 million people, generating a healthy $1.9 trillion yearly for the nation’s economy.

If you’re a Christian woman, you may want to combine your entrepreneurial talents with service to others and love for God. In today’s business climate, there are opportunities to share your skills in ways that work for you and your family.

Female entrepreneurs share talents to glorify God

“To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one to each according to his ability.”

– Matthew 25:15, ESV

Many Christian women feel called to start and run businesses. Their reasons vary, from paying bills and generating wealth to following a dream. Most want to share and develop talents that support their own and others’ needs. Some tire of working for corporate managers who minimize the importance of work-life balance.

Christian women in business can take different paths to success. They may choose to be sole proprietors, chief executives, or partners in a family business. Possibilities include:

  • Christian or religious focus – Female entrepreneurs may choose to offer spiritually focused products or services. They may open Christian bookstores, counsel families, sell religious cards and crafts, publish Christian books, manufacture religious products, or design family-friendly apps.
  • Secular industries – Christian women in business can also share their faith by the way they live and work – whatever their title, industry, or market niche. They bring Christ-centered integrity (Colossians 3:23, NLT) to their work. They offer high-quality products and services. They respect customers, employees, and associates. They pay a just wage (Romans 4:4, ESV). They support the personal and economic needs of others, including their household family and other relatives (1 Timothy 5:8, NIV).
  • Mompreneurship – In today’s virtual work world with efficient supply chains, it’s easier to plan the ultimate corporate merger: parenting and entrepreneurship. You don’t have to look far to see examples of mompreneurs who start and run successful businesses from home while raising children and managing a household.

Women-owned businesses begin with discernment

Starting and managing a business isn’t for everyone, of course. Women in business, like all entrepreneurs, require certain skills, qualities, and resources to succeed. Entrepreneur magazine identifies the following traits shared by successful entrepreneurs:

  • Self-discipline
  • Integrity
  • Persistence
  • A clear sense of direction
  • Action-oriented decisiveness

Exciting doors are open to you if you have what it takes. Christian women entrepreneurs must be willing to work hard and aim high while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This is especially important when it comes to raising a family and living a Christ-centered life.

In the U.S. alone, the number of women entrepreneurs increased by 114% over just two decades. Female entrepreneurs employ over 9 million people, generating a healthy $1.9 trillion yearly for the nation’s economy.

Staying open to the spirit

Before you hang out your shingle, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons, including the unique challenges women entrepreneurs face. Before making big decisions, savvy business leaders consider the opportunity costs – a business term for the opportunities missed when you choose one investment option over another.

Starting and growing a business holds many opportunity costs for already-busy parents, especially moms. You’ll still have to direct everything from the morning rush to making time for family dinner, evening prayer, and family time.

There’ll be unpredictable days when toddlers or teens need extra TLC, time, or crisis care, from bandaging wounds, wiping tears, and helping with homework to emergency room trips.

Whatever path you take, trust your instincts and let God be your guide. Scripture reminds us that every individual is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14, NIV). In God’s eyes, there are no unimportant roles or people.

Whether you apply your talents in business or other arenas, your plans needn’t be perfect or permanent. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you what path to take (Proverbs 3:6, NLT).

Download your free Entrepreneurial Spirit eBook.

As a current or budding entrepreneur, you know you have a God-given dream.

This ebook has the tools for the path ahead as you continue to step out with your startup. Plus, hear encouragement and wisdom from entrepreneurs just like you! From work-life balance and business strategy to following God’s voice and leaning into those leadership skills, it’s all inside.

Christian Healthcare Ministries
Christian Healthcare Ministries and its members help carry the load for their brothers and sisters in Christ, reflecting the spiritual values outlined in Galatians 6:2.