Infertility is a whole lot of nothing. An awful, painful nothing.
That it is nothing is not what makes it awful but that it exists in place of the most significant something we can ever hope for: a newborn child. Just when we are ready and inspired to begin, we face, almost immediately, the exact opposite of our hopes: nothing.
But as painful as this “nothing” is, it is still a beginning, for indeed God created everything out of nothing. It’s just not quite the beginning we had expected for ourselves. So, hope is not lost, because infertility precedes fertility.
While you wait, use the time wisely and in prayer. If you don’t know how to pray about this, don’t worry—there are plenty of prayers for infertility all over the internet.
So that you can begin praying to conceive, we’ve written a few for you here. Use these prayers for pregnancy however you like. Recite them as they are or let the words inspire your own prayers for fertility. But whatever you do, make them your prayers, offering them up to God as a sweet aroma.
Prayers for infertility while patiently waiting
Father in Heaven, I, your daughter, am grieved by a most unwelcome interruption. I stand, stalled, before a depressing reality. The height, breadth, and depth of its wall I cannot scale, bypass, or tear down.
I am stuck, waiting to love my child, and I don’t know what to do. Where tears of joy should be, tears of sadness now sit and fall.
Remember me, Abba, in compassion and lovingkindness. Pick me up, as you have so many times before, and wait with me. Remind me, Lord, of your love for me, and that everything will be all right. Grant that I would not grow weary or weak during this season and that it would pass swiftly. Close my ears to the enemy’s lies, and continue to encourage me in Your truth.
Open my soul to hope and confidence, and continue my journey toward motherhood. Until then, my Lord and my God, I will wait on you. Amen.

A prayer to conceive life
O Great Father, You are the source of all life, for You are life itself. Your heart is ever fixed on giving life and giving it abundantly. You conceive it. You deliver it. And you keep it safe in your embrace.
You teach me continually what it means to be a source of life, what it means to give life to others, without expecting anything in return. My heart now longs for its ultimate physical expression: a child.
Be gracious to me, Father, and listen to me, your daughter, for I have no life apart from You, and no purpose but to be Your servant. Open Your hand, and satisfy the desire of all those who wish to bring forth life.
Allow me to conceive, deliver and embrace a child, just as You have conceived, delivered, and embraced me. In loving and knowing my child I will come to know you better, and I will love You all the more for it. Amen.
“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him.” – 1 Samuel 1:27 (ESV)
A prayer for fulfilling potential
O Lord, God, Creator of all, You are the beginning and the ending. You infused all of creation with possibility and divine potential. Grant me now, merciful Father, the opportunity to fulfill mine.
In the midst of speaking all things into existence you spoke directly to Your creation, addressing it with the first command of scripture, that follows, in kind, Your creativity: “Be fruitful and multiply.”
You didn’t have to make me, but You did. I am grateful. You didn’t have to make me a woman, but You did. I am grateful. And by making me a woman You have set me down the path to motherhood. I am grateful.
Grant me Your favor and blessing, and hear my plea, Father. Allow my husband and I to fulfill the potential of our union, the opportunity to obey the first command of Your Word: “be fruitful and multiply.”
Bring for us daughters and sons who will, in turn, be fruitful and multiply. And humble us by inviting us into the ongoing work of Creation. May I be worthy of the role of motherhood You have set before me. Amen.