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Be strong and courageous

By Julia Fetherston
Be strong and courageous. CHM

The long-anticipated time is here. The work of creation God’s completing within you is nearly done. 

Prepare for your life to change forever—it’s almost time to meet your child. 

The long-anticipated time is here. God’s work of creation within you is nearly done. The birthing process is beautiful, especially when you think of the end result of snuggling your sweet newborn baby. But it’s also scary. You might ask yourself, “Will I be strong enough? Brave enough? What if something goes wrong”? [Genesis 3:16, ESV] promises pain in childbirth, and it’s natural to feel fear walking into it with that knowledge.

But God didn’t give you a fearful spirit [2 Timothy 1:7, NIV], and He wants you to put your confidence in Him. Easier said than done, right? So how do you let go of fear and step boldly into motherhood?

Power of prayer

Never underestimate the power of prayer. Through Jesus, you have a direct line to God, with whom you can develop a relationship, lift your praises, and bring your requests. He wants you to approach Him confidently because He wants to help you in your time of need [Hebrews 4:16, NIV].

Acts 4:23-31, NIV provides an excellent example of how to pray when you’re scared. Peter and John were arrested for performing miracles and preaching the Gospel to the Jewish people. Faced with persecution, they prayed not for protection and safety but for courage and boldness to step out in faith, trusting that God would take care of the rest.

As you prepare for delivery, you might be dealing with anxiety. Perhaps you’re nervous things will go wrong or scared it will be too painful. You’re not alone in those feelings, and you’re not stepping into that delivery room alone. God is with you, and God is in control

Pray for courage and boldness, and trust God to take care of the rest.

1 John 5:14, NIV says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” We are not promised everything we ask for, but we are promised God hears the prayers that align with His will.”

While the outcome might be uncertain, God’s love and sovereignty are certain.

Praying for others is another way to keep your mind off your fears. Pray for your husband as he steps into fatherhood. Pray that God will give him the wisdom to support you and lead your family. Pray for your child to open their heart to God and live a life that brings glory to Him.

Fearfully and wonderfully made

When fear of the unknown becomes too much to handle, remind yourself of these truths:

God has a plan for you and your child. Every life, regardless of how long or short, plays a part in His grand design. While the outcome might be uncertain, God’s love and sovereignty are certain. God is good, even when things don’t go according to our plan. 

God created women to be strong and resilient. You have more strength than you may realize. And at the end of it all, you get to meet your baby. John 16:21, NIV says, “A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come, but when her baby is born, she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.” Be strong, be bold, and embrace the joy that comes on the other side.

Julia Fetherston
Julia is a writer and storyteller with a passion to inspire others to live out the truths of the gospel. Her out-of-the-box thinking provides a unique perspective on biblical truth, and her mission is to relate those truths back to others.