Women entrepreneurs are taking the work world by storm. According to the Women Business Enterprise National Council, female entrepreneurs represent 42% of businesses in the U.S. In recent years, the number of women-owned businesses has grown by 114%. Growing trends include:
- Aspiring women entrepreneurs
- Woman-owned business leaders
- Mompreneurs
Among the top issues women face is work-life balance. This is especially true for Christian moms managing their homes, families, faith, and life.
Being a woman entrepreneur requires an honest assessment of yourself, your life, and your priorities. Recognizing potential pitfalls as you pursue your dreams can help guide your Christ-centered plans.
Entrepreneurial challenges and wisdom for women
“Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do. And whatever else you do, develop good judgment” [Proverbs 4:7, NLT].
Discernment is among the top challenges female entrepreneurs face. So many choices, so little time! How do you get wisdom? Experience helps. You’ll learn from every effort, win, and loss. Above all, wisdom comes from above, “The Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” [Proverbs 2:6, NIV].
Modern economies have blurred the boundaries of family, work, and faith – the bedrock of godly societies. Men and women entrepreneurs and their families must seek wisdom and judge well. God’s wisdom is available by asking [James 1:5, NLT] and far surpasses ours [Romans 11:33, NIV]. Pray about your plans with family and faithful Christians. Entrust everything – from launch to leadership – to God.
Motives matter, as illustrated by the failed Tower of Babel business plan. Babylonians wanted to build a great city “for ourselves,” including a Heaven-directed tower that “will make us famous” [Genesis 11:4, NLT]. God recognized the potential of a unified people [Genesis 11:6, NIV] and their defiance and prideful hearts. Their rebellious spirit and desire for earthly fame became a stumbling block, not a cornerstone [Isaiah 28:16].
Successful entrepreneurship in a Spirit-starved world
Gallup and the National Opinion Research Center polling confirms that support for spiritual values makes good business sense too.
- 78% of Americans want to experience spiritual growth. Half say they’re too busy with their careers to appreciate God or develop their spiritual lives.
- Christian businesses that encouraged spiritual values had less fearful, happier, and more productive employees. Employees were more committed to workplace goals and less likely to compromise their values.
- Employees of secular businesses that offered spiritually minded programs were more productive. They reported feeling calm and relaxed.
Christ-centered values pave the way in this world and the next [John 14:6, NIV]. Prioritizing spirituality in business can prevent burnout and keep you open to the Spirit. It may even give your business a competitive edge.
Challenges women entrepreneurs face: work-life balance
U.S. Department of Labor studies underscore the importance of work-life balance. Without it, quality and productivity decrease, while health risks and other problems increase.
Balancing it all is challenging for Christian entrepreneurial women. You need to mind daily business, earn healthy profits, invest wisely, and keep God first.
When starting a business, it helps to systemize and record your processes and procedures. Make sure others know the drill. This improves efficiency, offers economies of scale, and makes it easier to delegate operations. When you’re away, you’ll worry less.
Use trusted, smart apps. Attend trade shows and networking events. Learn from mentors who’ve succeeded with similar business models. As you plan, allow time for everyone to worship, rest, and relax on Sunday. Leave unscheduled time during the week too. Find Christian business mentors, prayer partners, and support [Colossians 1:9, ESV].
“Recognizing potential pitfalls as you pursue your dreams can help guide your Christ-centered plans.”
Other challenges businesswomen face
Owning a business offers freedom and flexibility. Still, it demands tough choices. Businesswomen face challenges like these:
- Opportunity cost – Consider potential benefits, but also what’s lost when you choose one investment over another. When starting a business, you may lose steady paychecks and perks from an employer. You may incur new costs ranging from taxes and consultant fees to inventory and travel expenses. You’ll have less time and energy for personal and family plans. Your financial and emotional balance sheet should reflect tangible and intangible priorities.
- Funding – Some work-from-home business ideas for mompreneurs are low-cost start-ups. Women reinvest profits as business improves. Other businesses require business loans, credit lines, venture capital, or other funding. Networking helps. Try varied options. Ask for advice, referrals, and business. You never know who can help and in what way unless you ask.
- Expectations – PEW Research Center leadership surveys found that women are held to higher standards than men. This can affect everything from work expectations to sales, support, and financing. Some successful businesswomen find it challenging to join established networks. Others face resistance and disrespect in traditionally male-dominated fields.
- Confidence – Self-doubt and second-guessing decisions keep some women from navigating new territory. If you’ve done your homework and believe what you’re doing is worthwhile, it’s worth your best effort. Your style, vision, and callings are unique by design. Savvy CEOs chart their own course.

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