Be strong and courageous
God’s heart is to restore us to wholeness. When we need healing for our bodies, minds, or spirits, God’s word provides answers for our afflictions. Scriptures on healing give us a new perspective of hope and comfort. Rest and read God’s word knowing that it will speak into your situation today.
Joshua 1:9 demonstrates that God is our strength even when we face difficult challenges. His word offers us peace and a new perspective when our hearts are full of fear. This verse gives us insight into the biblical answers for worry, anxiety, and undaunted courage.
Moses, the leader of the Israelites, had just died. Joshua was put in charge of leading God’s people into the land He had promised them. His people had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years and they were finally ready to face their giants and claim their land.
Joshua 1:9 is a reminder that God is with us, even when we face fear or discouraging circumstances. At this pivotal point in Joshua’s life, God said this: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua, like anyone, needed the reminder that God would be with him, even as he faced unprecedented circumstances. When we face giants in our lives or wander in our own wilderness, it can begin to feel as if God is far away. Joshua must have felt the same way. He had an enormous task and leading a whole nation would come with numerous challenges.
Yet God encouraged Him to be strong, not in his own might, but in the Lord’s strength. He promised that He would be with Joshua no matter what might come his way.
This wasn’t the first time that God commanded Joshua to “be strong and courageous.” The first chapter of Joshua shows God speaking those words over him a total of three times. Even when we feel alone and afraid, God is ready and willing to speak those same words over us today.
Do not be discouraged
God told Joshua not to be afraid or discouraged as he faced his overwhelming circumstances. When we face our mountains, it’s hard to remember that God is still in control. Yet He graciously states that He is still with us, and He is willing to restore us (Jeremiah 30:17).
Our loneliness, fear, depression, heartache, and pain are no match for God. He’s not surprised by anything that happens in our lives. He’s not shaken by our doubt, discouragement, or fear. He’s not worried about how He will get us back on track when we make mistakes or face challenges. Instead, He whispers words of hope, love, and restoration over our lives.
Even when the report doesn’t look good, the neighbors start a new fight, or the anxiety sets in during the night, God is there. He knows our struggles and He looks on us with tenderness and compassion.
Depression speaks lies of oppression and despair, but God speaks truths of hope and freedom. The arrows of the enemy can pierce our minds, but they will never win the war on our souls. Christ won that war through His finished work on the cross. Just as God was with Joshua as he marched into his battle, God is with us today as we march fiercely into our battles.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 (NASB)
Undaunted courage
Having a heart of courage isn’t possible on our own. Facing emotional, spiritual, or mental struggles is hard to face alone. Yet God does not leave us in our despair. God promised Joshua that He would be with him, not just in one part of his journey, but wherever he went. God is the same yesterday, today and forever and He speaks the same promises over us today.
We can keep choosing the brave path, knowing that God meets us as we walk towards Him. God’s perfect love challenges every fear and gives us joy in our weakest moments (Psalm 94:19). Perfect love takes on even the fiercest of giants and dares to believe that hope will win the fight. Be still in His presence and know that God is with you, He loves you and He’s for you. He’s still writing your story today.

Reflection Questions
- Facing wilderness moments is always a struggle. Yet we do not walk by sight, but by faith. God is with us even when it feels like we’re alone. Where can you find intentional moments in your day to pray and spend time in His presence?
- When we encounter incredible challenges, God calls us to take courage and walk unafraid. He’s not surprised by your giants and His light can shine through your struggles. Take a journal and write down your giants. Next cross out each problem and write “God is with me.” How big do your circumstances look compared to the power of God?
- Having a heart of courage doesn’t mean that we won’t ever face fear or discouragement. Rather, it means that we’ll walk forward even when we’re afraid. God’s perfect love is bigger than our circumstances. When does God’s love tend to shine through in your day?

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