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Mother’s Day

By Shannan Panganiban
CHM illustration of various mothers

“A mother’s work is never done.”

We’ve heard that quote many times, but when we break it down, we recognize just how true it really is.

A mother never clocks out. She works 24/7, constantly on call for whatever need might arise. She is devoted and strong, making choices for the benefit of her family. She is the backbone of love, comfort, and safety in the home. She tirelessly puts others before herself, all for the good of those she loves. Sacrifice is her middle name.

As we celebrate moms during this spring season, we reflect on just how hard of a job they have and how much they shape our homes, churches, communities, and world.

How to be a good mom

Whether you are in the trenches of motherhood, surrounded with little ones who demand your attention, or you are a seasoned mother who watches and admires her adult children building families of their own, you are vital and necessary. The endless prayers and unconditional support of a mother is something that is unmatched and should be honored.

However, in the busyness of this modern world, many mothers wonder: “How can I be a good mom?” At the same time, they’re neglecting to realize that the very act of worrying and contemplating that thought already shows how good of a mom they are! The Lord has given the strength and grace that mothers need to tend to their families and show them His ways.

Strong women don’t come in cookie-cutter molds. They are stay-at-home moms, working moms, homeschooling moms, professional moms, moms of toddlers, and grandmoms. The juggling act of figuring out how to do it all is a topic of discussion no matter what season of life you’re in.

Leaning into your calling and finding contentment right where God has you is the best way to feel fulfilled and purposeful. Leave behind the mom guilt. You were made for this. You were chosen to be their mother. You are capable with His strength to complete your tasks, accomplish your to-do lists, make your children feel loved, and do it all again tomorrow.

Balancing life and work

What does your balancing act look like? Are you placing the Lord at the forefront of it all?

Matthew 6:34 [NIV] says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” He will provide exactly what we need when we come to Jesus first and surrender ourselves for His glory.

Each and every task can be a holy work when it is done for Him. Paying your bills, cleaning your floors, or rocking the baby to sleep are all acts of worship in the eyes of God when we do them with a grateful heart.

As you walk out your calling, you likely will not look exactly like the neighbor next door or even much like your own mother. However, God has a plan for how you will impact others through your specific mothering journey, and that is something beautiful.

The Lord has given the strength and grace that mothers need to tend to their family and show them His ways.

Mom guilt

Allowing a biblical community of believers to assist us in our daily juggle is essential. We are called to bear each other’s burdens and uplift and encourage one another [Galatians 6:2].

As mothers, we can feel isolated and alone—constantly bombarded with what we must get done and the weight of the severity of our work on our shoulders. Our pressing demands can cause us to forget the joy set before us.

Finding strong biblical community that supports and uplifts you can help equip you with the tools you need to rest and refocus. Consider looking for opportunities to get connected in your church or community. Partnering with a group of mothers creates an outlet where you can chat with like-minded women and get tips from those who’ve gone before you.

Additionally, if healthcare costs for your family are one of those things that weighs heavy on your heart, Christian Healthcare Ministries is a partner that can come alongside you and grant you peace of mind. Our ministry is a health cost sharing program that is supportive of your family’s specific needs—maternity and beyond. Plus, you’ll discover a biblical community with programs and practices that help to make your journey less isolating.

How to deal with stress

Finding strong biblical community that supports and uplifts you can help equip you with the tools you need to rest and refocus. Consider looking for opportunities to get connected in your church or community. Partnering with a group of mothers creates an outlet where you can chat with like-minded women and get tips from those who’ve gone before you.

Additionally, if healthcare costs for your family are one of those things that weighs heavy on your heart, Christian Healthcare Ministries is a partner that can come alongside you and grant you peace of mind. Our ministry is a health cost sharing program that is supportive of your family’s specific needs—maternity and beyond. Plus, you’ll discover a biblical community with programs and practices that help to make your journey less isolating.

The Lord has given the strength and grace that mothers need to tend to their family and show them His ways.

Mom life

As a mama, your work is quite literally never done. However, as you thank the Lord for your mission and dive into your daily role, the outpouring of love and purpose you’ll receive from Christ (and your family) is so evident.

Thank you to all the mothers who have worked day in and day out for us. Thank you for the time invested into our young people, our communities, our workplaces, and our churches. A modern woman who serves God and serves others is to be praised.

Leave behind the shame of not feeling like you are enough and speak to yourself the way that you would speak to others. You have a high calling, and your legacy as a mom will help advance the Kingdom of God.

What mother in the bible are you? CHM

What mother in the bible would you be?

Take our quiz to find out which mother in the Bible you relate to most.

Shannan Panganiban
Shannan Panganiban is a wife of 10 years and homeschooling mom of 4. In addition to her roles inside her home, Shannan is also a Christian content creator and business owner - inspiring other parents to gather the confidence to raise their kids in Jesus. When she's not serving alongside her husband at their local church or bringing her kids to nature parks, her family can be found camping & traveling around the USA.