“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
[1 Thessalonians 5:16-18]
God is doing beautiful work within you, and your unborn child is a gift. Psalm 127:3 (NLT) says, “Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.”
Motherhood can be intimidating, and it’s normal to be anxious about the future of your unborn child. It’s important to connect with God and bring our praises, worries, and requests to Him.
We asked some CHM moms to share their prayers for expectant mothers, strength, peace, and protection. Here are their prayers.
Prayers for peace
Lauren and Stanley
“God, I thank You for the tiny little blessing that is my child. From the very beginning, You have walked beside me, guiding every step. I ask that You equip and teach me to be the mother you designed me to be. When my heart is troubled, anxious, or scared, I pray that Your Holy Spirit guides me to Your peace. Through the valleys and the mountains, remind me that You are near. I pray that You protect this child with Your mighty hands and that they know they are loved by You. Lord, I give this child to you. I trust Your will for their life.”
Lauren Hunter
Prayers for wisdom
Katlyn with Michaela
“Heavenly Father, I praise Your name for the depth of Your wisdom. What a joyful life for the one who understands Your ways and follows Your steps. When I think about the workings of all Your creation, what awe fills my heart!
In Your wisdom, You created a world of order and of beauty. As this little one grows each day, will You instill in their spirit a passion for learning who You are and the wisdom You display throughout Scripture? Will You stir in their hearts a ravenous hunger for Your Word, Your truth, and Your love? Help me to see the fun and creative ways of increasing their knowledge of You. Thank you for the privilege You’ve given me of being this child’s parent.
I’m grateful for this gift, and I pray that each day we have together, we grow in our love for You. Amen.”
Katlyn Stryker
“Lord, each day You lovingly and faithfully craft and form this child in my womb, and You do so with purpose. Each soul has a purpose in life, and I pray that You use this child to grow my relationship with You. As we walk this journey together—You and I as Creator and creation—will You prepare my heart to be a parent worthy of the honor of knowing and raising my child? Will You help me show this little one the fullness of Your love and kindness? God, I lay in Your hands this gift You’ve given me, and I ask that You work in me today and every day forward, even as You’re working in the life of my baby, so that we may know You in a deeper way. Amen.”
Katlyn Stryker
Help me to foster a home and environment where my baby understands the depth and the height of Your presence in their life.
Prayers for protection
“Lord, protect my baby. May our child be born healthy, without complication, and in your timing. Help me to be a good mother and to know how to care for them. Protect their mind, heart, body, and soul. I pray that they would grow to know you, Jesus, and that they would grow into a person of wisdom and integrity. Thank you for the privilege of being this child’s mama. Help my husband and I to be the best parents that we can be. May our child always know that they are loved.”
Haley Hoffman
“Dear Lord, thank you for the life you’ve knitted together within me. We praise You for entrusting this soul to us. Give us the grace to be good parents and help us to raise this child in a way that brings glory to Your name. We humbly ask You to be a shield of protection around this baby during the remainder of the pregnancy, during labor, and throughout his or her earthly journey. Protect our family from any sickness or harm and cast out every fear that threatens to steal our joy. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”
Lisa Maruna
Prayers for strength
“God, thank you for the gift of life. Thank you that You give life and give it abundantly. I know that Your love in a person’s life is what gives life true meaning and joy. Help me be a vessel in sharing that love with my baby. Help me to foster a home and environment where they understand the depth and the height of Your presence in their life. Will You help my walk with You strengthen their faith and prompt a resolve in their hearts to follow You? May they experience daily an abundant life with You. Amen.”
Katlyn Stryker

CHM Maternity Guide
When you’re thinking about starting a family, considering all your options is a great first step.
Learn more about CHM’s maternity program and make sure you’re prepared by signing up to receive the Maternity Guide.