I was told by my surgeon that my shark bite was the largest in U.S. history that didn’t end in an amputation, which is definitely an answer to prayer.
The week before the 4th of July, my family and I were enjoying a day on our boat in the Florida Keys. The water was clear—you could see straight to the bottom. I did a front flip off the boat, and when I hit the water, I landed on something hard. I thought that maybe I’d hit the boat because I couldn’t move my legs. I never even saw the shark.
My husband, Luke, recalls, “She didn’t scream. She just said, ‘Help.’ I knew something wasn’t right, so I jumped in after her and got her into the boat. Her femur bone was completely exposed, and there was blood everywhere. I knew we had to stop the bleeding immediately, so I tied a tourniquet with the anchor rope. Our two daughters were hysterical. I told them to start praying for their momma.”
Luke called 911. I kept thinking, “I must keep my eyes open. I can’t leave my girls.” The EMTs were waiting for us at the end of the 30-minute boat journey back to shore. I was taken by life flight to the hospital in Miami where I was immediately rushed into surgery and received 11 blood transfusions.
Miracle after miracle
There were so many things that could have gone wrong, but we experienced miracle after miracle.
I was told by my surgeon that my shark bite was the largest in U.S. history that didn’t end in an amputation, which is definitely an answer to prayer. I had a total of three reconstructive surgeries and was given a lot more blood. After nine days in the hospital, I was discharged.

It’s then I realized how thankful I was to be a part of Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM). I didn’t worry because I knew my CHM family was supporting me and would take care of us. Not only did they share the medical expenses, but CHM members from across the country sent letters of encouragement and prayers—it was overwhelming.
Once we were on the other side of the surgeries and I knew my leg was okay, we started thinking about how expensive this would be.
It really was remarkable to see how everything came together. We put CHM to the test with some major medical bills, and they were amazing.
Never once did I think, “Why me?” I know God was with us during this whole situation. Our girls witnessed their daddy being a hero and saving momma’s life, and then they were able to witness their prayers being answered! The recovery has gone smoothly. I’m doing everything that I did before. We’re thankful to God who showed us favor and provision every step of the way.

Lindsay and Luke Bruns
Total eligible bills: $178,466.17
Provider discounts: -$101,483.07
Total bills shared: $76,983.10