“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” – Psalm 94:19
What does the Bible say about anxiety?
Chains often pull us down and sting at our ankles as we walk through this life. Chains of bondage to fear, anxiety, stress, heartache, tension, disappointment, hopelessness, and indifference suffocate our peace and steal our joy.
Regardless of the type of bondage, they all have the same root. The Bible says that the devil comes with the intention to steal, kill, and destroy us. However, Jesus came so that we could reign in abundant life (John 10:10).
There’s a name that rules supreme above every name – and that name is the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. When bondage tirelessly wears on our hearts and the weight of our chains seems too much to bear, He’s our conqueror who imparts strength and peace. Bible verses for anxiety speak life and light into our exhausted hearts. His name is stronger than any addiction, any pain, or any fear.
When we come under attack, we can still our souls and know that we can call on Him with the assurance that He will fight for us.
God heals our stressful hearts
The second part of Psalm 94:19 demonstrates that God reaches out His hand to us even when our fears are increasing. His well-being not only dissipates our fear, but it passes beyond the point of comfort to impart delight and joy.
When we feel overwhelmed and fearful, the last emotion we tend to experience is joy. Yet God promises that His shalom or peace is all-encompassing in our lives. His joy and delight will overflow out of His comforting arms and into our saddened hearts when we allow Him to touch our brokenness.
The world’s statements are no match for God’s divine word. Regardless of our circumstances or the accusations that fly into our minds, know that God is ready to steady our wavering hearts and impart peace and wholeness.
Whether your source of stress is caused by internal anxiety or external circumstances, lean into Psalm 94:19 and hear God’s healing voice speak to you today.
Reflection Questions
- Christ is our light in the darkness. What does light bring to your life? Look for moments of God’s light and write them down throughout your day.
- Psalm 94:19 demonstrates that we are not alone. When we face anxiety, depression and all forms of hopelessness, God goes before us and prepares a way forward. Where has God been faithful to deliver you in different areas of your life?
- God’s peace is different than the world’s version of peace. Which do you find yourself focusing on today? Find moments to be still and listen to worship songs that emphasize His beauty, kindness, and saving grace.

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