Freedom in Christ and in healthcare

By Kristen Miller

Biblical freedom at its core is dependence on God and His Spirit to live out our salvation.


On Independence Day, we celebrate our freedoms as Americans, fought for and valued by individuals who lived hundreds of years ago. The men who signed the Declaration of Independence valued the principle of freedom enough to put their lives at risk in the pursuit of it.

Freedom in Christ

Freedom is an integral theme in our relationship with God. The turning point for Christians was when Jesus sacrificed His life to secure our redemption from sin and death. Because of this sacrifice, we’re no longer subject to our sinful nature but have freedom in Christ to live according to His command. As He said in Matthew 22:37-39 [ESV], “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Paul reminds the Galatians of their freedom: “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” [Galatians 5:13-14 NIV].

Biblical freedom, at its core, is dependence on God and His Spirit to live out our salvation [Philippians 2:12-13]. When we fulfill the commandment to love one another and pursue humility, we’re walking in obedience to God’s Word and living in true freedom.

Abundant life

Through Christ’s freedom, we’re invited to abundant life with Him. John 10:10 [ESV] says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Jesus’ death and resurrection is the key to abundant life—through it, we gain salvation along with spiritual, mental, and physical wholeness.

There are healthcare options besides traditional insurance—options that align with your biblical values and offer flexibility of choice.

Freedom of choice

Practically, our independence can be exercised and experienced through our freedom of choice as citizens of the United States. Of the many freedoms we have, we’re able to choose our own healthcare—caring for the physical aspects of our lives. Freedom of healthcare means we can shop around and select what works best for our family, values, and budget. It means you’re involved in your healthcare decisions and have access to quality healthcare.

As Christians, our faith is central in our lives and should govern our decisions, including our healthcare choices. There are healthcare options besides traditional insurance—options that align with your biblical values and offer flexibility of choice.

Healthcare solutions

Christian Healthcare Ministries offers healthcare solutions for believers who value both their freedom and faith. Through CHM, healthcare freedom means choosing your healthcare providers—there’s no provider network. You’re actively involved in your own healthcare decisions—you and your provider choose the best course of treatment, and CHM reimburses your eligible medical bills. You can take CHM with you—it’s portable and goes with you through life’s transitions. CHM understands not all healthcare is the same, and CHM works diligently to partner with healthcare providers who deliver healthcare quality.

CHM brings together like-minded believers, enabling them to partner together to offer spiritual and financial support by sharing one another’s medical bill costs.


This Independence Day, let’s embrace our freedom in Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers us as we live out our salvation, so we can experience God’s abundant life. Freedom of healthcare is also available to us. There are alternatives to traditional insurance that line up with your faith and values. CHM offers you freedom and flexibility—come alongside our Christian community and add to your spiritual, financial, and physical wellbeing.

Kristen Miller