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Abigail: Serving God with words of wisdom

By Christian Healthcare Ministries
Words of wisdom. Portrait of Abigail from biblical story

Love is hard, especially when we encounter painful situations or difficult individuals. However, even when we face challenges, we can intentionally honor and serve those around us. By doing so, God leads us to encounter new adventures.

The story of Abigail, outlined in 1 Samuel 25, is a testament to the power of using words of wisdom. By choosing to cultivate harmony, the trajectory of her life took a brand-new path.

Abigail in the Bible

Abigail was married to a rich man named Nabal, who demonstrated hardness in both heart and character. When David was living in the hillside before he became king, Nabal’s shepherds tended their flocks alongside David’s men. David’s men protected the shepherds and didn’t interfere with their work. They even shielded the shepherds from danger [1 Samuel 25:16].

However, when David’s men requested supplies, Nabal reacted with foolish contempt. He denied knowing who David was and insulted his men. In response, David decided to raid Nabal’s home and exact vengeance.

When a servant told Abigail, she jumped into action. She gathered supplies and rushed to meet David with a peace offering. Acknowledging Nabal’s foolishness, she offered words of tactful wisdom and asked David not to take vengeance into his own hands.

David granted her request, praising her wisdom. When Nabal died 10 days later, David asked Abigail to become his wife, equipping her to live a comfortable life as a member of the king’s household.

Remaining open to God’s desires for our lives leads us to new adventures.

Timeless honor

If we want to obtain timeless wisdom like Abigail, we need to start by fixing our focus on God. Proverbs 9:10 [NIV] explains, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

We obtain wisdom by going to God for His insight. When we ask for His direction, we receive greater depths of understanding. Being teachable, open, and faithful through all seasons of life equips us to learn.


Abigail’s story demonstrates that the words of the wise bring peace. While she could’ve idly worried about her circumstances, she acted with tact to diffuse the situation. She embraced the present moment with courage.

As a peacemaker, Abigail apologized to David and acknowledged Nabal’s foolishness, poor tact, and faulty judgement. However, she also took steps to initiate and request peace.

Just like Abigail, God is ready to use us as we remain open to His calling. He asks us to act and live at peace with one another [Romans 12:18]. As we go about our daily tasks, we can look for ways to cultivate unity.

God dreams bigger dreams for us than we do for ourselves.

Serving others

Sometimes God blindsides us with opportunities we wouldn’t have expected. Maybe it’s a new neighbor, a new friend at church, or a new job. Regardless of where we’re planted, God calls us to serve.

Where has God placed you? Maybe you’re going through conflict with a friend, family member, or neighbor. Or perhaps you’re feeling stagnant, not quite knowing what path to take next. When we remain open and share His love with those around us, we act as peacemakers. Serving God includes serving others.

God has bigger dreams for us than we do for ourselves. When we rest in His love, He takes us on new adventures, blazing trails of opportunity. Trusting in His heart leads us to new depths of wisdom and understanding.

Christian Healthcare Ministries
Christian Healthcare Ministries and its members help carry the load for their brothers and sisters in Christ, reflecting the spiritual values outlined in Galatians 6:2.