It’s easy to associate fitness with gym. Suddenly, the word is replaced with images of rows of weights, protein shakes, dull runs on a treadmill, and that nagging reminder that you haven’t yet been to the gym this week—or month. Now think of trying to wrangle the entire family there. Sound impossible?
It doesn’t have to be! By reframing what fitness is and how to be fit, you can create a lifestyle that prioritizes health and fitness in a fun, lifegiving way.
Reframing fitness
We all know the benefits of being healthy: a better mood, more energy, better sleep, healthy weight, an immunity boost, brain development support, and so much more. God created us to be active! However, trying to be active often feels like a chore or a checkbox that looms on our lengthy to-do list.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of imagining fitness as exercise only. However, when we reframe this thought, the dread of getting and staying in shape can disappear. It’s not about going to a gym and lifting weights just to say we did it or running to burn the calories off because we ate that donut.
Working out isn’t about checking off to-do items—it’s about enabling you to do the things you want to.
Because you work out, you can take that hike to a waterfall with a friend. You can help your neighbor move. You can ride a bike with your family. You can play tag or basketball or go swimming. Fitness gives us energy for daily life—and the things we enjoy most.
Staying fit as a mom
Let’s be real: Motherhood is time-consuming. Between all the daily tasks, it can feel like there isn’t any time for yourself, much less to spend on fitness. Running after those kids seems like enough of a workout already.
Here are some ways to fit fitness into your daily routine.
- Schedule it out. Put it on your calendar and treat it like an appointment. Make sure others are aware of it and know that you’ll be busy during that timeframe.
- Find something you enjoy. If you enjoy trail running, do that. If you prefer weightlifting or a martial art, pursue that. If you hate biking, don’t do that. By staying active in ways you enjoy, you’re more likely to prioritize it.
- Do it with friends. Find a Zumba or Pilates class to do with your friends or have a weekly run in your favorite park. By working out together, you’re more likely to stick with it and it’s a whole lot more fun.
- Get the whole family involved. By exercising and staying active together, you’re helping your family develop strong habits and stay healthy—all while getting your own workout in!

Fitness tips: family edition
The American Heart Association recommends that kids get an hour of moderate to vigorous activity every day. How can you fit that in your busy schedule? Here are some ideas.
- Get toys that promote activity. This could be bikes, jump ropes, sport supplies, skateboards, etc. Do these activities with them and empower them to be active in their play.
- Share the outdoor chores. Include them in home maintenance chores such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc., to help your family both stay active and complete necessary tasks around the house.
- Make activity a daily part of life. Have fitness days and find ways to naturally stay active within your schedule. This could be a family walk or bike ride after dinner, playing a sport together, or even a spontaneous dance party!
Family wellness as Christians
Staying healthy and fit as an individual or as a family sets you up for success—and stewards the body God gave you. “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?” Paul asks in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 [ESV]. “So glorify God in your body.”
Proverbs also references strength as a characteristic of the wise: “A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might” [Proverbs 24:5]. “She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong,” it later says of the Proverbs 31 woman [Proverbs 31:17].
As we maintain our physical health, we’re praising our Heavenly Father. Our fitness enables us to help the people around us, demonstrate His love, and be the hands and feet of Christ in real, tangible ways.
Looking for ways to stay active while helping your community? You could:
- Help elderly neighbors mow their lawn or do basic repairs around the house
- Volunteer at a food drive or community clean up
- Help your church with landscaping
- Run in a race supporting a local charity
Let’s build our families up in strength and wellness, glorifying God through our physical health.